Benefits of Getting CCTV for a Business

CCTV should not be perceived as a magic wand for preventing crime – it is just another crime prevention tool from a long list available to a business. There are many reasons why CCTV is the most cost effective security solution. In our experience we have found that most businesses suffer from the same few security problems.

1. Staff Collusion

Even your most trusted staff may be guilty of stealing your profits. It is a fact that a single employee can eat, drink and smoke their way through approximately €100 of profit every month. Multiply that by the number of employees, you are losing €€€?s. The average value stolen per incident increased by 18% to €342.17.

2. Sweet Hearting

As the name implies, many employees will let you do their friends a favour when you aren’t there. It’s difficult to detect because usually a part of the sale is rung up to make it look like an innocent transaction.Many of our customers have reported that they used to lose up to €300 per month from friends of employees.

3. Shoplifting

Shoplifting has reached epidemic proportions in Ireland. Every day your profits are simply walking out of the door, resulting in higher prices and lost sales. Given the right opportunity, even the most innocent looking person will steal. Even the smallest retail outlets report up to €100 in losses each month due to shoplifting.

4. Staff Protection

Are you doing enough to ensure the safety of your employees both inside and outside of your business? If a robbery results in an employee being injured are you prepared to defend yourself from the inevitable industrial injuries claim. Statistics point to major reductions in the amount of crime being committed where there are cameras installed. An article in ‘New Scientist’ magazine showed that simply installing a system can reduce crime, in the areas covered, by over 95%.

Generally, once a Camera system is installed, it will only be fools who attempt to perpetrate offences within its field of view. These are often caught but for the majority it will provide a very high level of deterrence. A professionally installed camera system can reduce shoplifting by up to 90%. Robberies increased by 20 per cent per 100 stores and accounted for 1.3% of retail crime by value.


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